Quinceañera Requirements for St. Henry
This page should help you understand the expectations when you decide to celebrate a Quinceañera here at St. Henry.
We're excited to help you! If you have any questions, please feel free to call the parish office. The young lady celebrating her Quinceañera will be referred to as a candidate in the below lists to avoid confusion.
Preparation Requirements
1. The candidate must be a baptized Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion.
2. The family that wishes to celebrate the Quinceañera of their daughter should be registered members at St. Henry unless they have permission from their registered parish to celebrate it here.
3. Meet with Father to discuss Quinceañera preparation.
4. Reserve the Church for the Quinceañera and rehearsal. This should be done before finding a venue for the reception.
5. Ask the parish that the candidate was baptized in to send us a baptism certificate.
7. The Candidate should establish a habit of prayer and attend Mass regularly.
8. The Candidate should participate in Reconciliation shortly before the Quinceañera.
10. If there is to be a worship aid, it should be reviewed by parish staff at least a month beforehand.
11. The candidate's dress must be modest.
Ceremony Requirements
1. Rehearsal is usually an hour before Mass. Everyone involved should arrive at the practice on time.
2. A Quinceañera usually takes about 1 hour.
3. The Family should find readers for the bible readings and the petitions. (1-3 people) (1-2 if you know a deacon will be present to read the petitions)
4. The Family should also find 1-3 Gift Bearers, 1-3 Eucharistic Ministers, and 2 Servers.
5. Please limit the number of Compañeros to no more than seven.
6. No pets will be allowed in the Quinceañera.
7. No signs in the procession.
8. Readings for you to choose from are on this website. (Hard copies available in the office.) Choosing these before choosing music can be helpful.
9. Music should be chosen from the approved list on this site. (Hard copies available in the office.)
10. Michael Mettler, the Director of Music and Liturgy, can be reached at 218-346-7030. Music needs to be set up through him. He can help you find an accompanist and a singer(s).
11. There must be someone at the Quinceañera that is familiar with the sound system.
12. The Accompanist Fee is $200.
13. The Cantor Fee is $150.
14. Contact additional singers for fee information. You may also contact the accompanist and/or cantor if you have questions about the fee.
Other Concerns
1. Liturgical furnishing are sacred; They may not be moved, removed, or replaced.
2. Flowers and plants should be real.
3. Flowers may not be placed on top of the altar.
4. Bubble machines, balloons, and karaoke machines may not be used at any time before, during or after the Quinceañera
5. The throwing of rice, birdseed, rose petals, potpourri, confetti, etc. is prohibited on church property for cleanliness and safety.
6. Food and beverages are not permitted within the sacred worship space and smoking is prohibited on all church property.
7. It is important to have people assigned to pick up any garbage, decorations, or anything left behind.
8. Alcohol is not permitted on church property at the time surrounding the Quinceañera rehearsal and any time prior to the start of the Quinceañera liturgy.