Opportunities for Women
Catholic Daughters of America /Court St. Rita #409
Catholic Daughters of the Americas is the largest organization of Catholic women in the Americas. It is comprised of Catholic women 18 years of age and older. Under the Patroness of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is an extraordinary organization with the dual purpose of spirituality and service. Our local CDA Court, Court St. Rita # 409, is the 3rd oldest Court in the state of Minnesota. They meet the 1st Tuesday of the month. (Sept – June). For more info, contact Regent Leanne Stoll at 218-758-3050. To view their page, please click here.
St. Agnes-Mary Mission Circle:
The St. Agnes-Mary Mission Circle meets monthly Sept. to May on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We are members of the Propagation of the Faith. We pay dues and spend our time doing the work of God in small ways: sewing, crocheting, knitting, embroidering, piecing quilts, making rosaries and praying for the missions. We give our products to both local, regional and world missions. Contact Kathy Hemmelgarn at 218-346-5797 for more information.
A Widow's Walk:
Stay tuned for some upcoming changes—we will update at a future date!