Cleaning, Maintenance & Grounds
Serve on the Maintenance Committee:
Help is always needed with painting, general repairs, moving heavy items, lawn care and more. If you would like to join the maintenance committee, contact the Parish Office.
Church Cleaning Volunteers:
Each month, a team of volunteers is responsible for cleaning the church (dusting, polishing, washing, vacuuming, etc.), if you would like to be included on this list, contact the Parish Office.
Care & Cleaning of Vestments, Altar Linens, & Server Robes:
Help is needed to keep these items clean and in good repair. If interested, contact the Parish Office.
Forever Remembered Garden:
The Forever Remembered Garden, located on the north side of the Church, is looking for volunteers to prune, water, and weed once a week for one week during the summer. The group meets early spring and early fall and as needed. If interested in helping, please contact the Parish Office.
Locking & Unlocking of the Church on Weekends
Weekend opening and closing of the church. If interested, contact the Parish Office.